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Emergency Voucher Program

LSSA offers vouchers for State ID's, Birth Certificates and Walgreens only (NON- NARCOTIC) medications vouchers. Please note, these are offered to clients on a first come first served basis. We have a limited amount each week. We begin disbursing vouchers Monday at 9 am and suggest you come early.  All vouchers can be received once-a-year.


Transportation to Medical Appointments​

If you are in need of a ride to a medical appointment, LSSA has a program for you! We offer round trip taxi rides to/from medical appointments, which can be received once per month and up to six times a year. Rides can be scheduled over the phone by calling (907) 272-0643. Spaces for rides are limited, so it is best to call one week ahead of your appointment date to schedule rides. Please note, rides will only be scheduled by talking to an LSSA staff member and will not be scheduled from messages left on the phone.


Transitional Living Program (TLP)​

TLP is designed for homeless men striving to create a healthier lifestyle and to gain more sustainable housing. Our facility can house up to 6 men at a time. TLP is a short-term sober living facility aiming to prepare residents for sustainable housing. Therefore, as part of the program LSSA creates a savings-trust account in each residents name and asks that they save 30% of their income in the account. Because of this aspect, we do require all residents to maintain full-time employment, but work with them for their first month of residency to obtain employment if not already employed. For more detailed information or to apply visit our office during regular office hours. You can also download the application on our PROGRAMS page.​ Application may be turned in at our main office during normal hours at 1303 W.33rd Ave. Anchorage, AK 99501. Applications may also be faxed to 907-272-5728 or emailed to


Food Assistance

​At our LSSA Food Pantry (1303 W. 33rd Ave. 99503), individuals and families receive emergency food items supplied by the federal TEFAP program. Participants are also able to choose non-perishable, perishable, and frozen food items from our Client Choice area. We offer additional government commodity boxes for seniors that meet age and income guidelines through the CSFP program. Clients can receive food from the LSSA Food Pantry once in a calendar month. No verification documentation is required for TEFAP and Client Choice shopping area, you only need to fill out intake paperwork (once per year) before receiving food. Identification is required for the CSFP program. 

     LSSA Food Pantry

       Hours of Operation:
  Monday: closed
   Tuesday: 1-4pm
        Wednesday: 4-7pm

     Thursday: 1-4pm

                                                                                     Friday: 1-4pm
The LCOH Mobile Food Pantry takes place every Tuesday at the Lutheran Church of Hope parking lot (1847 W. Northern Lights Blvd.) Registration begins at 4:30pm and food distribution begins at 5pm. It is policy that mobile food pantries use a "lottery" system when assigning order of service to participants. Individuals and households may receive food from this pantry every week.


To find out more about our food assistance programs you can contact our pantry @ 907-272-0643 Ext. 14.


For updated information about all the food distribution sites in Alaska visit the Food Bank of Alaska website by clicking the FBA logo:












​Association for Stranded Rural Alaskans (ASRA)

ASRA is able to assist patients who are flown into Alaskan cities other than their own for medical treatment but have been stranded due to financial hardship. As part of our ASRA program, we ask each person receiving assistance to make a pledge to repay the amount over a period of time (some pledge amounts as low as $10/month). These pledges help us continue assisting others in need, but inability to pledge will not exclude someone from receiving services. To apply for ASRA please contact a medical social worker at the hospital you are receiving treatment at or call our offices for more information. You can also download an application HERE

and ask a social worker to fax it to us at 907-272-5728.

*referral from a social worker is required



What if I don't see what I need here?


Give the 2-1-1 Alaska hotline a call. The hotline is a great source

for referrals to all of the social-services offered in Alaska.

Visit their website by clicking on their logo.


Call us:



Find us: 
303 W. 33rd Ave., Anchorage AK 99503 ​

Lutheran Social Services of Alaska complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.


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